ADARE is…top
Administrative Data Research and Evaluation (ADARE) alliance of nine
state partners covering 43 percent of the U.S. civilian labor
force. Each state partner has negotiated data sharing agreements
with state agency owners of pertinent administrative data. These
agreements permit controlled access to administrative data sources
for authorized research and evaluation purposes that do not disclose
the identity of individuals or business entities. Historical data
series are routinely updated on established schedules. Together,
the nine alliance partners and their state agency colleagues
comprise a reliable and rapid-response capability to conduct
research and evaluation studies of immediate policy relevance based
on a high standard of objective scholarship.
alliance began in 1998 with five states having a common capacity to
respond to immediate welfare-to-work policy questions posed by the
Office of Policy Development, Evaluation and Research in the
Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of
Administrative data are…
collected in the routine management of programs, such as the
Workforce Investment Act (WIA), the Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF) program, and state Unemployment Insurance (UI) and
Job Service programs. These data differ from statistical
information that is collected exclusively for research or evaluation
The ADARE project is managed by…
The Jacob
France Institute at the University of Baltimore. The Institute was
selected as the overall ADARE project manager, and continues in this
management role, based on decades of state and national involvement
in the successful acquisition and use of multiple sources of
administrative records for research and evaluation studies.
The current state partners are…
five charter states (1998)—Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, and
Texas; Illinois (1999); Washington (2002); California and Ohio
(2004). For more information about ADARE partners see
Partners page.
Authorized access to administrative data
begins with…
state agency cooperation and technical assistance, adding ADARE
project value that could not be realized without this state partner
expression of trust and collegiality.
Each state agency and principal researcher
The legal and
working relationship that is suited to their circumstances.
ADARE project research and evaluation value
builds on…
common foundation of historical and regularly updated files of state
Unemployment Insurance (UI) wage records that are maintained in each
of the ADARE project states. ADARE project value continues to grow
as other longitudinal files of administrative records have been
added to the partner holdings.
Examples of policy concentrations to date are…
Trends in WIA
participant demographics, flows through services offered, and
subsequent employment and earnings profiles; welfare-to-work
transition patterns; and currently, studies of UI claimant
behaviors, spell durations, exhaustion of benefit eligibility, and
recurring claims over time.
The original
and continuing source of ADARE project value has been timely
availability and authorized use of multiple historical sources of
administrative information by informed experts to answer questions
related to Employment and Training Administration workforce
development investment decisions.
ADARE project documents include …
reports, and national forum presentations with findings based on a
high standard of professional scholarship. Click here to view a list
of available reports for download.
Click here to view presentations.
The current ADARE project work plan…
Describes the
portfolio of policy studies that are now underway, identifies the
partners who are responsible for components of this overall agenda,
and shows the timing of reports to be delivered to the Office of
Policy Development, Evaluation and Research. Click here to
view the ADARE Workplan
The USDOL/ETA Project Officer is…
simonetta.jonathan@dol.gov or 202/693-3911.
Jacob France Institute contact person for further information about
the ADARE project is…
dstevens@ubalt.edu or 410/837-4729.
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