Countdown to UB's New Website

In just a few weeks, UB will 'push the button' and launch its new website.

Countdown to UB's New Website

After more than a year of research, design, discussion and debate, the University of Baltimore is weeks away from launching its new website. This is UB's third major plunge into the world of the Web, and in the time since the site was reworked and reintroduced in mid-2006, a universe of change has occurred. The new site will not only reflect the revolution of social media, blogs and interactivity that has occurred, but also embrace the idea that a university site must engage all of its users—both current and potential, inside the campus as well as beyond. Simply put, the new site will be presented as an ongoing work in progress, with "progress" as the operative word.

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The Mark of a Good Website: It's 'Information-Thick,' But Organized and Nice to Look At Too

What makes a website worth the click? Is it the bells and whistles—the dropdown menus, rich graphics, the things that change when you scroll over them either on purpose or by accident? Is it the simplicity of finding what you want within seconds? Is it the way the site makes you feel—excited and intrigued, relaxed and in tune? For a university site, the answer is all of that, and more.

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