B.S. in Business Administration
When you are an undergraduate you are working towards your first big career move. When you come to the Merrick School of Business we like to think you come here because you want to become something bigger than you are today. We want to be your partner in achieving that goal. If you want to make your mark in business, we have the practical education to get you there. Our internships, global field studies and even accelerated pathways to graduate degrees can be key to differentiating yourself in the crowd.
As a business administration major, you'll learn core elements of business, such as accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management, marketing and statistics.
When you decide which field of business you find most interesting, you can choose from one of our 12 specializations.
List of Specializations
Choose a specialization that matches your career goals.Enhance Your College Experience
Your time at UBalt is limited. Take full advantage of all of your academic options.
Program Learning Goals
Competency 1: Broad-Based Business Knowledge and Application
Learning Objective 1.1: Students will demonstrate theoretical and applied competencies in business disciplines.
Learning Objective 1.2: Students will integrate cross-discipline knowledge and competencies to solve business problems and make decisions.
Competency 2: Thinking and Adapting Skills
Learning Objective 2.1: Students will apply data analytics techniques to solve business problems.
Learning Objective 2.2: Students will use appropriate technologies to address business challenges and problems.
Learning Objective 2.3: Students will apply creative problem-solving approaches and strategies to enable innovation.
Competency 3: Communication and Collaboration Skills
Learning Objective 3.1: Students will create a written document applying principles of effective business communication.
Learning Objective 3.2: Students will create an oral presentation applying principles of effective business communication.
Learning Objective 3.3: Students will work effectively in teams.
Competency 4: Actions and Decisions in a Framework of Social Responsibility
Learning Objective 4.1: Students will demonstrate awareness of socio-economic differences and diversity in business decision making.
Learning Objective 4.2: Students will include ethical considerations and social responsibility in making business decisions.
Interested in Tech and Business?
If you are looking to earn a bachelor's degree the combines areas of business with areas of technology, consider enrolling in the B.S. in Information Systems and Technology Management.
Upcoming Admission Events
- Saturday, Apr. 5 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. | The University of Baltimore Spring Open House | Register
- Monday, May 12 from 6-7 p.m. | Virtual Session, All School of Business Programs and Certificates | Register
- Monday, Jun. 9 from 6-7 p.m. | Virtual Session, All School of Business Programs and Certificates | Register