Learn more about how to Bee Engaged with Baltimore City and beyond.
Find out more about our Campus Pantry and Donate.
Bee Engaged in community engagement at UBalt, and you'll:
- meet other people committed to service
- get support and follow-up from professional staff
- grow and develop as a leader, citizen and scholar
- discover ways to deepen what you're learning in the classroom.
Learn more about service opportunities on Bee Engaged.
The Bee Engaged Platform will allow you to record your service experiences, submit reflections, and participate in a variety of events and opportunities with community based organizations across the region.
Are you with a community-based organization and want to promote opportunities to UBalt volunteers?
Join in three easy steps.
1. Visit https://ubalt.givepulse.com, scroll down and click “sign up”
2. Create your personal profile.
3. From the main page, click “Activity,” then click “Groups” and create your group and update your group settings.
Once your group is approved, you’ll be ready to recruit volunteers and share events and opportunities with our campus community. If you have any questions, e-mail engagement@ubalt.edu.