Human Resources News

Employee Service Awards Held Nov. 10

Employee Service Awards

UB employees who have served five years were among those honored by Pres. Robert L. Bogomolny (right) at the 2009 Employee Service Awards on Nov. 10.

Employee Service Awards

UB employees who have served 10 years were among those honored by Pres. Robert L. Bogomolny (right) at the 2009 Employee Service Awards on Nov. 10. They were among 100 employees to receive recognition for their years of contribution to the University.

One hundred members of UB's faculty and staff were honored on Nov. 10 at the 2009 UB Employee Service Awards in the Student Center Performing Arts Theater. The following employees were recognized for their years of service to the University of Baltimore:

35 Years of Service

Steven Davidson
Elizabeth Mizell
Robert Pool

30 Years of Service

Richard Bourne
Barry Brownstein
Steven Grossman
Arnold Rochvarg
Charles Shafer
Larry Thomas
Richard Trotter

25 Years of Service

Veena Adlakha
Kathleen Anderson
Sharon Harrell
Donna Johnson
Robert Kennedy
Starrla Levine
Tigineh Mersha
Thomas Mitchell
Carol Vaeth

20 Years of Service

Jose Anderson
Barbara Babb
Christian Blom
Louis Gawthrop
Edwin Gold
Lenneal Henderson
Sonja Journee
David Levy
Susan Lynn
Rajesh Mirani
Mary Murphy
Deborah Murphy-Buckson
Odeana Neal
Cynthia Schuster
Mortimer Sellers
Julie Simon
Donald Stone
Rosalind Williams
Laura Wilson-Gentry

15 Years of Service

Charmaine Baskerville
Pamela Bishop
Jaqueline Boyd
Patrick Chachulski
Nancy Kaplan
Stuart Moulthrop
Mohan Thangadurai

10 Years of Service

Johannes Botes
Rochelle Carr
John Cheeks
Theresa Cherry
Tammy Daniels
Barry Dunkin
Sean Farmer
Antonio Green
Hollie Hunter-Dowery
Gloria Joy
Kathryn Kauffman
Mary Lovegrove
Rosemary McMunn
Christine Nielsen
Susan Schubert
Laura Shelton
Rebecca Spence
Ven Sriram
Sang Truong
Bernadette Williams
John Willis
Lowery Young

5 Years of Service

Rita Aissi-Wespi
Mohamed Ali
Sally Brown
James Campbell
Amnard Chaisakul
Jane Delury
Joanne Dugan
Roger Friskey
Danielle Giles
Daniel Hatcher
James Kelly
Regina Kohl
Karen Leary
Michael Lulay
Stacey Marriott
James Maxeiner
Laura Melamed
Jeffrey Missouri
Lorenda Naylor
William Nottage
Jaquetta Oram
Vladimir Ozeryan
Lisa Park
Julia Persell
Anthony Raduano
Terrence Ross
Belva Scott
James Shea
Michael Shochet
Tamara Smith
Darrell Stevens
Mary Woodrup