HEROES Academy Lends Excitement

High school students from Baltimore City College, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute and Western High School pose in Gordon Plaza for a group photo as part of this month's HEROES Academy.

Second Annual HEROES Academy Brings Enthused High Schoolers to UB

If you were on campus on Friday, Oct. 2, you may have been surprised to see busloads of happy, excited high school students gathered in front of the University of Baltimore Student Center on a blustery morning. Who were they? And why were they so enthused?

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Mock Trial Shows Law at Work

High school students watch and listen as UB School of Law students present a fictional trial as a showcase of the criminal justice system.

Laughs, But No Mocking, in Mock Trial for High School Students

Imagine being 16 or 17, setting foot on a college campus for perhaps the first time in your life, and you witness this: A brightly-lit, crowded room, laid out like a court complete with a jury box and a man in the front wearing a black robe and slamming a gavel. College students acting like criminal defendants and lawyers. People shouting and making wild accusations. And a lot of laughs.

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